
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Food Advertising and Disappointment


  1. Love tacos. But the only ones I've eaten have been the Mexican variety. I wonder if they are different from the Indian ones?

    1. Yes, they are different. Mexican tacos are made on tortillas while Indian tacos are made on fry bread. They are tasty but carbohydrates and calorie loaded.

    2. Look closely at what the women in the green blouse is holding. That is an Indian taco.

  2. That is disappointing that someone found it to be not so tasty because it sounds interesting. Gillian's, an Irish restaurant in Arlington, Texas, has similarly created a bi-cultural dish, Irish Nachos, in which all the usual nacho toppings of cheese, onions, sour cream, salsa and jalapeños sit delightfully not on corn chips or tortillas but on sliced potatoes.

    1. Believe that what's in the trash can is a "blooming onion," a speciality item made from a large sliced onion dipped in batter and deep fried. The Indian taco is fry bread with meat, cheese, salsa, and lettuce. My son use to work at Carlos O'Kellys, an Irish-Mexican restaurant. It was mostly Mexican food, but they did have potatoes.

  3. That is disappointing that someone found it to be not so tasty because it sounds interesting. Gillian's, an Irish restaurant in Arlington, Texas, has similarly created a bi-cultural dish, Irish Nachos, in which all the usual nacho toppings of cheese, onions, sour cream, salsa and jalapeños sit delightfully not on corn chips or tortillas but on sliced potatoes.
