So long as the bike keeps moving, they are very stable. The problem occurs when they stop too quickly and the bike rotates around the stopped big wheel dumping the rider on the ground. That is why a modern bicycle is called a "safety bicycle" and we seldom see these any more.
Roll the bike forward while holding the handlebar, step up onto a small step just above the small wheel, and then into the saddle while still moving. It is a learned art.
The seat had springs. Likely smooth ride so long as the street is smooth. He said he has only gone over the handlebars a few times.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant! I've watched people riding these too TFG, HOW do they keep balance I always wonder :)
ReplyDeleteSo long as the bike keeps moving, they are very stable. The problem occurs when they stop too quickly and the bike rotates around the stopped big wheel dumping the rider on the ground. That is why a modern bicycle is called a "safety bicycle" and we seldom see these any more.
DeleteIt's fun to watch but I would get on one of those things. :-)
ReplyDeleteWhile in San Diego did you happen to see a huge white hospital ship with a red cross in the harbor?
No, was often near the harbor, but never saw a hospital ship. Did see many Navy ships.
DeleteHow on earth does one get onto the seat?
ReplyDeleteRoll the bike forward while holding the handlebar, step up onto a small step just above the small wheel, and then into the saddle while still moving. It is a learned art.
DeleteThat takes some skill!
ReplyDeleteThat's fun !