Monday, September 10, 2012

Urban Alley and The Greenhouse


  1. Urban alleys always have a somewhat frightening aspect. I mean, really, have you heard of good things going on in a dark alley? :-)

    The Greenhouse, I dunno. A restaurant? An apartment building? A hotel?

    1. The Greenhouse wasn't selling plants. I believe it is an apartment building.

  2. Have to admit that I have been spooked a few times in alleys like this one. So glad I no longer live in the city.

    The Greenhouse is a puzzler. I;m sure it has nothing to do with either plants or a business that supports green living. But, I might suggest you link it up to the "Green Day" meme.

    1. Alleys are often interesting because they are "back stage" away from the public eye. While scary things do sometimes occur there, we also get a glimpse of semi-private life.

      This "Greenhouse" was an apartment building near the Old Market and the Missouri River in Omaha, Nebraska. Looked for the "Green Day" meme, but only found reference to the band.
