Sunday, September 9, 2012

Girls to Dinner and Popsicle Man


  1. Are all those girls yours? And where are you taking them to dinner? Hope you've got a good credit card!

    Popsicle man? Is there still such a thing around? Fascinating slice-of-life!

  2. Hi Lowell. Those girls are not mine, and they are very much on their own when the bill comes due. They were just a group of pretty young ladies out for dinner. Check out those shoes! Doesn't look too different than Chinese foot binding.

    Yes, a real popsicle man with a push cart. The side of his cart said "Michoacan" (a state in Mexico) so I just jump to the assumption that these are Mexican popsicles, or popsicles made by Mexicans. Had we not been on our way to dinner, I would have bought one from him. Slices of life is an excellent description. Thank you.

    1. The popsicle man reminds me of the old "Good Humor" ice cream trucks which were found every where out east here when I was growing up. I know I have I picture of one I recently found still being used, but definitely a vintage ice cream truck. I'll have to find it.

    2. He reminded me to the Good Humor ice cream truck as well. They were all over Chicago when I was growing up. They had a toasted almond ice cream bar that was sensational.

  3. Sheeeeeeeesh! Don't lead me on so. I was lookin' for the popsicle man in that first shot... my eyes are stuck!

  4. Looks as if your group of ladies are headed for a super ladies night out based on those heels. Never did understand why anyone would want to wear those shoes.

    I see cocktails and dancing on the agenda.

    1. The ladies were disappointed to find this restaurant closed due to a false fire alarm which flooded the kitchen. I'm sure they found another good place for dinner and perhaps dancing. But dancing in those shoes must be challenging and hazardous.

  5. Popsicles please! I gave up high heels!
