Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Missouri River Board Walk


  1. Lovely skies. The boardwalk looks so inviting that I wonder why no one was there.

  2. Boardwalks, whether along a river, a lake or an ocean, are some of my favorite places ... for one thing they usually offer interesting and beautiful scenery which leads to some nice photo ops...like these!

  3. This must be a wonderful place to walk. I wish I could be there someday.

  4. There aren't many people around. My kind of place. :-)

  5. Thanks for the comments EG, Lowell, Karl and Wayne. Silly Americans don't seem to walk much. One of the good things about this board walk is the seafood restaurant you can just make out in the top shot. Had a fine walk there for dinner.

  6. I agree with everything said so far...nice place but it is a real shame it isn't being enjoyed by many more people.

  7. One of the best things about this board walk is that it leads to the suspension bridge in the distance. This new bridge is for pedestrians and slow riding bicycles, no motor vehicles allowed. One can walk from Nebraska to Iowa. It is a great walk in good weather.
