Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Watch Football At Ray's Corner Sign


  1. If that gal is there, I MIGHT travel. hahahaha

  2. even after that latest miss-call?!
    Ray's has a nice neat storefront - most of our corner stores have windows plastered with ads and junk so you can't see inside.

  3. Looks like a corner store turned bar. I like that!

  4. Does it get kinda rowdy in there by the 4th quarter? Don't like rowdy!

  5. I am with RedPat - it does look almost like a bar!

  6. It looks like a nice home town bar. Not that I frequent them often; just saying!

  7. what a nice neighborhood. very clean sidewalks too.

  8. Looks like a safe and fun bar, at least from the picture...

  9. They might be the same place but the two images evoke completely different feelings. The thought of watching every game every Sunday totally stresses me out but the simple, quiet nostalgic feelings brought forth by the storefront and street are rather soothing.

    1. Ray's Corner is a Main Ave. bar that draws mostly locals in this university town. Customers cut across income and social status lines. Know of one municipal court judge and several lawyers who are regulars here, as well as local realtors and business people. There are also many customers of lower status as well. What they mostly have in common is growing up in this town, attending city schools, and enjoying a tall cold one.

      Yes, the idea of watching every Sunday NFL game is daunting. Not a positive prospect, at least not for me.

  10. I bet that is a fun place to go to watch the game. Love that everyone goes there. genie
