Monday, September 24, 2012

Drinks, Dinner, and Disaster

The fire alarm sounded and flooded the kitchen. The alarm didn't get shut off until the Fire Department arrived, but the flood continued in the kitchen. Fortunately we were finished with our dinner, so we left.


  1. Always better than a real fire...

    1. Oh, yes! The staff could mop up the water in the kitchen. They didn't have to rebuild the building. Don't know what set the fire alarm off. Perhaps something in a pan got too hot.

  2. No fire but lots of water. I wonder if the alarm would have gone off if'n there had really been a fire?

    You were lucky not to have gotten wet.

    1. It was lucky for us that the sprinklers only went on in the kitchen, but it was very unlucky for the restaurant which lost a night of business, and perhaps damaged equipment.

      The ahi tuna salad was excellent.

  3. That's quite a waterfall coming off of that shelf. Glad you didn't get drenched.

    1. We were fine. The fellow in the doorway said, "No pictures." as I clicked the shutter. It was a waist level grab shot as I was turning to walk away. It was an amazing amount of water flowing off those counters. The waiters were leaving wet foot prints all over the restaurant.
