Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Salvador Dali Again

Found in a Barcelona Restaurant

Courtyard of Dali Museum. Dali did sculpture with 1940s Cadillac, statue, and boat.

Dali jewelry design with beating ruby heart.

Dali sculpture in his museum.

Tapestry incorporating his most famous painting. The famous painting itself was on display in New York City. Dali worked in many artistic mediums and was a master of all he did. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Gaudi's Sagrada Familia

I recently showed the ceiling of this church. Thought you might like a few more pictures to show what it looks like. It is gothic architecture with a modernist twist. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Salvador Dali

Early work




Salvador Dali went through many styles of painting, but became most famous as a surrealist with his dripping clocks. However he worked in many styles at different times, and in many art mediums. He was a painter, sculptor, and jewelry designer. Our trip to Figueres to the Dali Museum was a great success, but made for a long day of travel and walking. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Catalonian Farmer's Protest

Thousands of Catalonian farmers drove their tractors from all over the provence to protest low agricultural prices in Barcelona. They point to the European Union as depressing farm prices and spreading lower quality goods. They are rightly worried that low prices will push them out of farming.