Saturday, February 11, 2017

Salvador Dali

Early work




Salvador Dali went through many styles of painting, but became most famous as a surrealist with his dripping clocks. However he worked in many styles at different times, and in many art mediums. He was a painter, sculptor, and jewelry designer. Our trip to Figueres to the Dali Museum was a great success, but made for a long day of travel and walking. 


  1. A very famous painter. Nice to see some work. Thanks.

  2. Dali certainly had a unique way of looking at the world ☺ would have been a fascinating visit TFG, hopefully well worth the journey.

  3. Not sure I'd hang any of his art, but what he did he did well. I would have loved to have gone with you on this journey. BTW, I've had 4 holes-in-one. But none recently. Nowadays I have problems getting a hole-in-6.

  4. I had not seen the early work before--- I LIKE it! Dali was one of a kind.

  5. To expand on RedPat's comment . . . how does a mind come up with stuff like this? His range is spectacular. The Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford has one of his big paintings from the surrealist period prominently displayed. And there is a Dali Museum three hours up the road in St. Petersburg, Florida, which I haven't yet visited.
