Saturday, January 21, 2017

Old Bull Fighting Arena

We saw six bulls go through the ritual pageantry, bravery, stupidity, and death back in 1964. Catalonia has now outlawed bull fighting, but they saved the exterior of this Moorish style building by turning it into a shopping mall. There are at least half a dozen high end restaurant on the top floor that has a great view of the entire city.

This is looking toward Fort Magica de Montjuic from the top of the Arena.

This is the new shopping mall built inside the bull ring. Walking out across that large circular floor I half expected 1,200 pound of angry muscle with sharp horns to come charging out shorting and pawing dust, but all I heard was the rustle of shoppers plastic bags. Times do change in 52 years. 


  1. I have never been inside but now I got an idea. Thanks for showing us.

  2. Thank goodness that barbaric "sport" has been outlawed there. And the arena looks very nice. I'd enjoy spending some time there.

  3. This is a much better use of the Arena TFG, rustling shopping bags a way more appealing sound! 52 years, it took long enough!

  4. This is a much better use of the Arena TFG, rustling shopping bags a way more appealing sound! 52 years, it took long enough!

  5. At long last no more bull fighting. Glad they have given the arena a new life.

  6. That is wonderful to hear! Looks great as a shopping mall.

  7. Love that they made such a nice mall out of it. Nice shots.

  8. What an interesting way to re-use the arena!

  9. Smart to build a shopping area in these two buildings.

  10. That is great that they decided to reuse this wonderful building. Thanks for showing this.
