Sunday, January 22, 2017

La Sagrada Familia

This church was designed by well known Catalonian modernist Antoni Gaudi, 1852-1926. This was his vision for a modern cathedral. The corner stone was laid in 1882, and it has been under construction with interruptions ever since. The Spanish Civil War prior to WW II brought construction to a halt for 20 years, and revolutionaries burned Gaudi's studio and crypts because the Catholic Church supported the Nationalists. I first saw this church more than 50 years ago. The four towers shown here were finished then. But there has been constant construction ever since. The building is scheduled to be completed by 2026, the 100th anniversary of Gaudi's death. He was killed by traffic walking across the street.

The new main entrance. None of this was here 50 years ago.

Sculpture detail. Looks like a Cylon warrior behind the figures on the left. There has been some controversy surrounding the sculptures.

Tops of the new towers under construction. The construction is paid by a million tourists a year who pay to see the inside of the building. This is the top tourist site in Barcelona.

A number of architects have followed Gaudi since 1926 to complete his vision. 


  1. Its just like the old cathedrals. Building times of 150 years were not uncommon then.

    1. I think there were at least five sky cranes lifting materials to the building site. Might think they speed the pace of construction.

    2. Gaudi said his client is not in a hurry to complete the building. He expected it to take a long time after he was gone.

  2. Oh I've seen pictures and read about this TFG, how wonderful to actually actually see it! Amazing details here.

  3. Such places are almost beyond comprehension. We build buildings to last 20 years and then tear them down and start over! From previous photos, I'd say this must one of the most ornate cathedrals in all of Europe. I'd be glad to pay to see the interior. Nice photos, too!

  4. I wonder if this masterpiece will ever be finished.

  5. A most unusual cathedral, for sure.

  6. I wonder if it will be finished on time? ;-)

  7. That's an amazing church, I'd love to see it one day.

  8. A fantastic church !
    I saw it 40 years ago...

  9. wow, that is beautiful..such detail!

  10. Barcelona is on my short list for this summer or fall. I would definitely visit this place.
