Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Winchell's and Donut Man


  1. Hm, this donut man seems to really love his donuts.
    A Happy New Year to you and your family!

    1. He is a very nice man who did love his donuts. Winchell's Donuts are excellent, and if it was located close to home I might look just like this fellow.

    2. I love them, too. The German variation is:
      Right now it's the time in Mainz for them, they are tradionally eaten during the Fastnacht season. I'll eat one or two every day until Ash Wednesday. Ha!

      Oh, I didn't mean his looks, I meant his posture, leaning on the counter, in great anticipation, choosing this or that.

  2. There was a time when there was a Wnchell's on just about every street corner in the US. At least on the west coast. I used to love the 'old fashioned' doughnuts and crullers when I was younger and could eat sweets with no consequences for my waistline. Now there are consequences.

  3. I can smell those donuts, but this is a place which I endeavor never to enter as I may have lots of will power (I will eat donuts) I have very little won't power. (I won't eat donuts)!

  4. Now this brings back memories. When I was a boy there were Winchell's all over the place now it's been years since I've seen one.
