Sunday, December 9, 2012

Two Old Barns


  1. I really like the first one...

  2. I am with VP. I prefer the first one. The light illuminates the barn more.

    1. That first barn is in use for something. I was drawn to it because it seems to be in the middle of a field with ground around it being cultivated for crops.

  3. Iconic. Love them both but the 2nd one reminds me of the drive up to so many farms I've known over the years.

    I was reading the other day about the fracking going on in the Dakotas and how it's tearing up the environment, ruining the health of people and animals. Not good. But what the heck can be done about it?

    1. Thank you, Lowell. The oil boom is in western North Dakota, so that's where fracking is going on. Population out that way is sparse, and the oil boom has made housing in short supply. My guess is that when the drilling is done, the boom will be over. I don't know much about the consequence of fracking on people, except that it increases earth quakes.

      My second photo shows a farm abandoned, or unused. No one lives there any more, and the buildings show no sign of maintenance. This is not uncommon on the prairie.

  4. I also like the first one and I have a question: Why are mo many old barns red?

  5. Since we are voting, I find myself drawn to the mystery of the second image. The first one if very comforting as an icon of Americana but there's something about the second one....

    1. Thank you. That's what caught my eye too. It was a place with a history and now has fallen into disuse.

  6. Since we are voting, I find myself drawn to the mystery of the second image. The first one if very comforting as an icon of Americana but there's something about the second one....
