Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner Setting

 A call to table.

Two smoked turkeys.


  1. I would really like to attend a Thanksgiving dinner sooner or later...

    1. Would love to invite you for a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner. It is my favorite holiday all about family, good friends, and an abundance of excellent food. Now I would guess that Italians know something about excellent food, family, and friends.

  2. I have never smoked a turkey. I've smoked a lot of different tobaccos in my pipe, though. :-)

    But no more.

    I've eaten smoked turkey. It's very good. What a tasty dinner you had. Do you smoke the turkeys yourself?

    1. Smoking a turkey is not difficult, but takes many hours. There are two methods. 1. brine the turkey for two days, rinse it off, and smoke. 2. Just rub the turkey with herbs, and smoke. In the first case the meat tastes much like ham, smoky and salty. In the second case the taste is more subtle, light smoke flavor, and still tastes like turkey. My friend used the second method, and made sure the internal temperature fully cooked the meat. It was wonderful.

  3. I've never tasted smoked turkey. It sounds interesting!

    1. It is a real treat. See my answer to Lowell for a description of the method. I can recommend it. Chickens also cook well doing this.

  4. I've never eaten smoked turkeyes, they look very good!
