Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Food Pantry Shelves


  1. Eeh .. so you are preparing for what exactly?


    This is not your food pantry, isn't it?
    I like the Campbells - of course.

    1. This was shot in our town's (population 22,056) Food Pantry. They distribute free food to people on an emergency basis. Many of the clients are young parents without jobs, people laid off from work, or those whose benefits have run out. This year the Pantry have provided one weeks worth of food to 212 families which consists of 390 adults and 217 children (2.8% of the population).

      The Campbell's Soup obviously references Andy Warhol, but note that the soup is cream of chicken in a cream of mushroom box.

      Thanks for the comment Martina!

    2. Ah, I didn't know about this concept. And the food is donated by the people? Or does the town pay for it?

      I didn't realise the "chicken in the mushroom" but I wondered why you didn't put the tomato on the top ;-)

    3. Martina, please read my answer to a comment on my April 12 post. Believe it answers your questions. The city does provide an old house where the Food Pantry is located, but does not otherwise fund this Pantry. It is a "non-profit" organization run by a board of directors.
