Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Harvey Dunn, The Prairie Is My Garden

The Prairie Is My Garden, Detail

The Prairie Is My Garden

Harvey Dunn, 1884-1952, was educated and taught at South Dakota State, and attended the Chicago Art Institute. A student of Howard Pyle, he worked as an illustrator for nationally distributed magazines such as Saturday Evening Post, Colliers, Harpers and others while living in New York and New Jersey. The War Department hired him during World War I along with seven other noted illustrators to paint and sketch what they saw of the war across Europe. Following the war he continued to do illustration and to teach at art schools. He is perhaps the most famous artist from South Dakota, but few people outside SD have heard of him. The painting above is his best known work. To learn more just Google his name.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Work Found at South Dakota Art Museum

This is a Termisphere created by Richard Termis of Rapid City, SD

The pottery is by Michael Hill

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Railroad Graffiti

I was lucky enough to be the first car at a RR crossing as this train of grain cars flew past. Perhaps grain elevators are shipping last fall's harvest east to the Mississippi River for shipment around the world. Some graffiti artists make these trains more interesting, but many just make a mess.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Brownstone and Prairie Hills

The interesting thing about Prairie Hills is that there are no hills anywhere near here. New residential developments must come up with a name, and sometimes it is just silly. Usually it is what was removed to build houses, but in this case only Prairie was eliminated as there never were any hills.