Thursday, March 8, 2012

Brownstone and Prairie Hills

The interesting thing about Prairie Hills is that there are no hills anywhere near here. New residential developments must come up with a name, and sometimes it is just silly. Usually it is what was removed to build houses, but in this case only Prairie was eliminated as there never were any hills.


  1. Hey, they can dream can't they? :-) I agree that many developments have names totally unrelated to their location. Like "Beaver Ridge" along the ocean!

  2. Here they name developments after after what was there BEFORE the houses went in. I especially like "country living", "forest estates", "cedar acres"... I could go on and on. :)

  3. It does sound more upscale than Prairie Flats.

    1. To be more realistic it should be called "Corn Field Flats."

  4. It's like the towns with hotsprings on their name. You cannot find the hotsprings anywhere. They all probably dried out though.

  5. They have to be creative, in a way, to entice people to come visit or invest. Yeah, no hills in sight, just a prairie?

  6. It is fascinating about subdivision and shopping center names. Here in Tulsa the "Crescent Ridge" addition is actually in a valley.

  7. Funny! I think somebody could do a whole blog about crazy subdivision names. We saw one the other day, something like 'Peaceful Valley' that sounded more like a cemetery. Usually,as you say, they are of the 'paved Paradise put in a parking lot variety though.

  8. the whatever is going on in that window is amazing
    it looks like a whole city scene in the window

    I'm still trying to figure out what/who was the inspiration for my town's name

  9. Guess you’ve gotta pick a name that sells....I do find it a bit odd. The storefront is actually very nice looking. genie

  10. The restaurant looks inviting and I like the art work on their window.

    1. I haven't eaten at this restaurant yet, but all reports I've heard are good. Thanks for your visit and comment.
