Friday, September 22, 2023

Open Bear Bait



  1. Replies
    1. This is a stump, or concrete ring filled with fruit and sweet bakery bears love to eat. The bears are the only ones who are strong enough to push the lids off and help themselves to the treats, then they leave providing a scent trail for dogs to follow. Then the chase is on. When the bear climbs up a tree, the dogs are collected and everyone goes home, including the bear. The bears get food and exercise.

    2. Dogs chase bears? Then everyone is ok and goes home? I feel like I am missing part of this story.

  2. Thanks for describing what this is and how it's used. Cool!

  3. I never knew that, thanks for explaining it.

  4. So this is more like a tracking device than a trap. Interesting!

  5. Yes, I know that, it's a special food for bears, they like it.
    However, it is not simply placed on the forest floor, but in a special barrel so that it is protected.
    Thank you very much for showing.

  6. This is fascinating information - thank you! Very interesting photo, too.

  7. as long as the person taking the photo isn't the bear bait...

  8. Never heard or seen one of these before. Thanks for enlightend me.
