Sunday, August 20, 2023

Rail Road Derailment

On Friday about 7:00 pm a car with two people ignored a railroad crossing gate and flashing lights. They hit the freight train derailing it. The car burst into flame and both passengers died. The derailed cars piled up and ran into a grain elevator. This rail line will be closed for several days as repairs are being made. 



  1. Interesting equipment. I can't imagine how stupid people can be sometimes....

  2. Hard to understand how such a collision could happen. It is light out at seven and all of the warning systems were working.

  3. Very sad and certainly a tragic decision to ignore the warning signs.

  4. oh yeah people do that here too, it's just brainless thinking and impatience.

  5. Gosh, sounds like a joint suicide but how hard for the rail employees.

  6. Yikes! I hate to be that passenger yelling stop stop!

  7. We're seeing more and more erratic and irresponsible driver behaviour here too, not to mention the road rage incidents. Add to that the numerous teenage home invasions and stealing car keys for joy rides that end in tragedy. Not a pleasant state of affairs.... Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.
