Saturday, October 29, 2022

Curtiss Robin XO-5

This is the same kind of plane Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrrigan flew to Ireland in 1938. He could not get permission for a transatlantic flight, so he filed a flight plan for California, and then claimed a navigational error caused him to fly to Ireland. The plane he flew was nine years old when he made his famous flight. He was also involved in helping to building Lindberg's Spirit of St. Louis. 



  1. Interesting history for this plane.

  2. Those were the times when flying was an adventure! There's quite a similarity with Lindbergh's plane - the big wheels, the bracings, the radial engine... This was probably state of the art for reliable and safe planes at that time.

  3. Well what do know? A long time ago when I was in grade school Douglas Corrrigan was part of my history lessons.

  4. Imagine crossing the Atlantic in that plane. Wow.

  5. He was pretty brave to attempt that flight. He did and the rest is history.
