Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Snow Piles



  1. Exactly same thing happening here. If you need more snow I have plenty on my front lawn. Come and help your self it is free.

  2. That's a whole lot of snow.

    I suspect "heelena" has nothing to do with their time but spam.

  3. That looks familiar. I can't wait until spring.

  4. I see you're from South Dakota. Makes me glad I'm in Tennessee :) I haven't seen snow like that since I left Colorado Springs. I do miss all that lovely white at times.

  5. We are just getting used to the white stuff since moving from Florida to Connecticut in December. Worst thing has been how our exercise routine has been disrupted, as we were accustomed to walking about 3 miles every morning before and around sunrise (to take advantage of the cool temperatures).

  6. Sometimes a get a pile of snow in front of my driveway. I can't get out. Snow plow driver told me he has to pile it up every few houses or so.
    I pay someone to clear it.

  7. Hi, nice blog
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  8. We have same in Finland. Looks nice in a photo but it´s not always a pleasure to live with. Stay safe and warm!

  9. Wow! I remember snow like that! And, am very happy I don't see it here in NZ!!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!
