Thursday, October 14, 2021

Little Dancer By Degas



  1. Great statue. Wonder how many of them exist because I saw some of them in different musea.

  2. I love that---- but my eyes kept being pulled to the painting behind the statue. I'd love to see that full on.

  3. I like the way you mix the street/human element with reflections.
    I was wondering the same thing as s.c. I've seen that statue in several cities around the world.
    My photo was taken in Philadelphia. I always put the name of the city in red below the photo and above the text. It's also in the title this time. :-)

    Good eye. I didn't even notice that the men were wearing the same hat. Same city, same hat and both alone waiting for lunch.

  4. I saw one like this in Pasadena.

  5. A very famous statue; Strangely, the position of the heads of the visitors looks alike the position of the head of the statue...

  6. I have seen her many places. I even went once to the home of a very wealthy man who had one in his home.

  7. I didn't know Degas was a scultor too. I thought he was 'only' painter.
