Sunday, August 15, 2021

Fall is Coming



  1. Bring it on. Autumn is my favourite season.

  2. There's a maple tree a couple of blocks from my home that is always the first to start changing.

  3. I hope autumn here does not come yet I am not finished with summer Jeff, Thanks for your concerns for my arm/shoulder and this week the physio is very pleased how it has improved over the previous 3 weeks. Now it just need strengthened - more exercises. I am up to 15 daily now!! Today and Thursday I am having my Myocardial Perfusion Imaging tests on my heart so here's hoping they produce a good result and needing no treatment. Have a GLORIOUS WEEK AHEAD

  4. Out here our Vine Maples always turn in August and the other Maples soon follow suit. Love the colors

  5. Lovely TFG, and spring is almost here for me 🌷

  6. We've just enjoyed a love Spring day, but it's back to winter from tomorrow the weatherman said...
    Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.
