Saturday, July 24, 2021

Pow Wow or Wacipi Dancers

These photos were taken at a Pow Wow or Wacipi in the Lakota Language (meaning they dance). This is a ceremonial gathering of many people and tribes to share dance, song, and celebrate life. This gentleman's dance regalia consisted of buffalo robes which must have been hot. The temperature was near 90°F, and the sun was searingly hot. He must be a tough man. 

There are dances for men and women, and others. This is a fancy shawl dancer doing her dance in mid air. 



  1. The girl really looks flying. Nice work.

  2. I have only been to two Pow Wows... it is worth the stop over.

  3. You caught the woman in mid air!

  4. Anyone can attend a PowWow so long as they behave by the rules. Sometimes even nonNative people are asked to dance too. It is an honor.

  5. Nice capture of the woman dancing. My wife and I atteneded some Pow Wows when we lived in Alaska.

  6. I have been to several Pow Wow out here. Always interesting and colorful. I like the hoop dance and the flute playing.

  7. Awesome! I've never been to one

  8. There are a couple of them every year around here--- We've only been to one, but it was delightful. I'd love to see the Lakota.

  9. Beautiful shots. I've been to a Pow Wow and it was a great experience.

  10. Oh, that's a thing I'd like to see once in my life. did you ever read Tony Hillerman's books?..
