Sunday, July 4, 2021

MGB And Owner



  1. Nice to see the owner and the car posing in matching colours.

  2. Personally I would prefer another color, but otherwise it is great looking. The owner seems pleased.

  3. You have to know that I like it! ;-)

  4. Great shot of the proud owner with his classic car.

  5. Later model. The safety standards folks wouldn't let the car be imported till the bumpers reached a certain height. The car was raised on its suspension compared to the fine looking original. And the bumpers were increased. Yes, it was still a nice look car, but not nearly so much as it had been. I had a Triumph TR3 and could easily dust MG's-- in a straight line. Not so much on curves. AH, those were the days!

    1. You have that right, Bill. That is why the earlier chrome bumper MGBs are worth more. Triumphs was alway faster, but not as well built and with sometime scary handling.

    2. That's for sure. I can attest to that. The night of my Senior Class graduation party, the entire wiring harness melted. Sheesh. Still--- those low cut doors, the funny windows you had to keep in the trunk when you weren't using them. Keeping the two SU Carbs sucking the same was another not-so-fun job. 1961. 60 years ago......

  6. Fast rides in shiny machines...
    Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  7. I would not mind having a trip with that beauty!! (I'm talking about the car, of course! :))
