Friday, June 11, 2021

Alley Shadows



  1. Great shadow shot. Must be hot in that alley.

  2. I like this one very much! there's something from Edward Hopper here!

    PS: the lanterna is still working!

  3. The shadows look great in black and white.

  4. So many lines! But at least no ugly murals.

  5. ...the power line overhead add a lot of interest!

  6. Very effective in B& W Jeff. yes I can see my comment button says it is not working. I think it might have upset the apple cart this morning when I put my blog on. It went on OK but then I was working on next weeks and I did not know that I had in fact published it instead of next week. Only when I went on to see my front page did I realise the mistake so I then quickly made next weeks to schedule for 18 June. I have made that mistake very occasionally but it has not stopped the comment button. I will see tomorrow if it is working but really I would not know how to fix it! Thanks for pointing it out Jeff

  7. Very familiar in some way. I like it.

  8. A good setting for black and white.

  9. One of your very best, Jeff! Well done!!
