Friday, May 15, 2020

Cowboy and Dog


  1. A remarkable sculpture, and the waste of a proper mask. I like the way you frame the picture with the curve of the brick walkway.

  2. This photo has a lot of emotion to it. That is my personal opinion.

  3. You can wait for it and then to think that the rubber band also had to be over that hat but a nice effect it has.

  4. Oh that's a wonderful sculpture TFG, I agree with Andy, lots of emotion captured here 💙

  5. Thank you for stopping by ... I haven't reached out past my one art blog post for a long time, but I remember you and your wonderful eye for photography. I see you live in South Dakota a place that has been in the news for the hot spot around your meat packing industry. I pray you are not close to that or you have not lost anyone to it. I perused your pictures and they are still wonderful some so simple in their greatness. Today's photo of the dog with the mask on says so many things to me. I wish you well and know you are being as safe as you can be and that your aren't taking anything for granted these days. Yes, we will rise to the occasion, because the majority of Americans believe in truth and care about how their actions effect others. I will come see you again ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  6. That is a nice sculpture. The dog feels his love in his embrace.

  7. I wish that everyone wore a mask when out in public.

  8. Wonderful sculpture, full of love! The mask is a fun touch - and I agree with Tom!

  9. I like this sculpture very much!
    Here people are complaining that there are not enough masks , but I see lots of sculptures wearing one.. Go figure!

  10. A wonderful work of art! With the mask
    serious thing everyone should wear!
    Greetings Elke

  11. a realistic sculpture and a very original way to recall the need to wear a mask

  12. Aw----a cowboy and his cow dog---great sculpture

  13. I like it. And cowboys wore bandanas to keep out the dust... or rob trains, in the movies!
