Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Ferrari 315 S

This is the last car to win the Mille Miglia race in Italy when it was held on open public roads. Sadly another Ferrari blew a tire at 160 miles per hour killing driver Alfonso de Portago and navigator Edmund Nelson along with nine spectators. The tragedy ended open road racing in Italy. This car was built by Ferrari to compete with the more powerful, but less reliable, Maserati. 


  1. One of the beauties of its time.

  2. You would love the museum in Monaco, where the prince has a fabulous collection of cars.Impressive machines here!

  3. A fantastisc Post. A lovely view at Corner of the World...

    ...I searching a smile here

  4. I couldn't have this car...there would be no room for my groceries 😉

  5. Such a beautiful ride. Very nice.

  6. I don't get excited about cars, but I'm pretty sure that driving one of these would be an exception :)

    Thanks for making 'My Corner of the World' a success this week!

    My Corner of the World
