Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Eros Satellite Receiver Sign

This Radome receiver downloads thousand of images every day from Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellites to measure changes on the Earth's land surface. These satellites photograph the entire world every eight days to see subjects like human population distribution, agriculture distribution and health, drouth, ice freezing and melting, volcanos, forests, and urban growth. 


  1. I sometimes wonder if this is helping us or not.

  2. So much information collected in such a short space of time.. who would have thought it possible years ago!

  3. It is really amazing when you think of the advancements in technology.

  4. about Big Brother watching us! I would guess that it could and does a lot of good, or perhaps not. Thank for sharing this info, enjoy your week.

  5. Wow! I should go outside and wave at them!
