Sunday, May 20, 2018

Red Barn


  1. I wonder if that red is coming from scandinavian ancestors.

  2. I know that red is a color much favored by Swedes in Minnesota. Especially for barns. I also know that many Episcopal churches paint their front doors red, which I'm sure is symbolic of the "blood of Christ." Furthermore, my DNA shows a lot of Scandinavian ancestry and also a lot of folks from the UK.

  3. S.C. and Lowell, red barns are traditional because the cheapest possible paint was made from oil and iron oxide which gives the paint a red color. It was not the color that was important, it was the price of paint.

  4. It often is the price of things that determines their use! Nicely framed between trees and electricity poles TFG.

  5. Sweet picture of a perfectly placed barn.
