Friday, May 11, 2018

Jaguar Type C Engine

The "C" in the name of the engine stood for "Competition." It is a double overhead cam shaft, six cylinder motor of 3.4 liters producing 200 hp. It allowed Jaguar to win the 24 hour Le Mans race 1951 to 1953. 


  1. Looks really good in black and white. Seems like a powerful engine.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. That were lovely cars in those days.

    1. They are still lovely. Those old Jaguars are the most beautiful cars ever designed.

  3. Now, if I had the slightest idea what you were talking knowledge of cars includes pushing the start button, and then the go button and I've got to remember to put my foot on the brake when I push the start button or nothing goes even if I push the go button. And sometimes, it's easier to pull on the reverse button than to push the go button and that causes all kinds of problems like backing into and destroying the garage door. Why doesn't life come with an instruction book? Cars do, but those books are too darn big and I can't understand half of what they say. But I'm gonna keep trying until my dying day, which, come to think of it, could be any minute now. Have a great day, my f riend.

  4. I'm going to have to take your word on this TFG 😀

  5. Nice shot of a nice looking engine!

  6. Beautiful, practical simplicity of style. I always had a soft spot for Jags!

  7. I don't know much about engines but it looks pretty powerful to me.

  8. Truly a treasure!
    Greetings from Germany

  9. An engine with an illustrious history!
