Tuesday, April 17, 2018


This photo was taken on April 14th, 2018. Unusually cold and stormy weather may well be a consequence of global warming. The jet stream normally moving from west to east is disturbed and weaken by warming conditions, so those of us on the northern prairie get Arctic air and blizzards. Our temperatures have been 30 to 40 degrees below normal for this time of year, and I had to remove three feet of snow from the driveway. Last year was the hottest year on record, eclipsing the previous hottest, the year before. This summer's heat may also be extreme. 


  1. I read this morning in the paper that we are still in the tail of a little ice age from around 1600. ( But I don't believe everything thats in the papers.)

  2. This winter as been absolutely brutal.

  3. Your story is replicated in a number of areas. My Minnesota friends are howling as loudly as the winds that blew through their area. I don't think at my age and general physical and mental condition I could deal with this weather any more! Aargh!

  4. Spring is much the same here at present- freezing rain yesterday, snow today.

  5. Not much spring yet, but a beautiful winter photo !

  6. Crazy weather for sure. We are having the wettest April since 1894. It is very squishy out

  7. It is miserable here too - we just had 3 days of ice pellets and freezing rain! Much heavier to shovel than our usual snow.

  8. It's been a long, hard winter!

  9. When I feel like complaining about our wet and cool April, I just look at the rest of the country!! Sheesh!

  10. What a shock !! The spring is late everywhere, so also in my country.

  11. Snow is pretty, but clearing it is not!
