Monday, December 11, 2017

Steam Traction Engine

This is a 1915 65 hp Case Steam Traction Engine at the SD Agricultural Heritage Muesum. This was the first type of tractor to work in agriculture. It often was used as stationary power using belts to run machines, but they also pulled plows to replace draft animals. It took about 25 people to keep one of these running during harvest, and they were very expensive, so thrashing crews often went from farm to farm to help harvest crops. Individual gas tractors did not become commonly available until early in the 20th Century. 


  1. Always love to see these old designs.

  2. Would say that this baby has been very very well cared for. Likely she looks much better than new. Outstanding !!!

  3. So very different from harvesting methods today! I do love the charm of these old beasts but they certainly don't sound as if they were all that easy to use, not in the beginning anyway!

    1. They were never easy to use. They required crews to bring water and fuel to them constantly. It took an engineer and fireman to keep it moving, and the pace was slow. It was really railroad technology applied to agriculture.

  4. It looks to be in great condition!

  5. I love seeing things like this.

  6. This piece of equipment looks like it is brand new. Someone has been giving it lots TLC.

  7. You must have been drooling, Taken.
