Saturday, September 9, 2017

Weese Weed


  1. If there is a way nature will find it. Nice.

  2. Or maybe sneaky weed. I wonder what would happen if you tried to smoke it. At least you could say you tried "weed" and thought it was not all it was cracked up to be. :)

  3. Plants always find a place to grow!

  4. Hi Jeff. Yes, I think we're OK. Ocala is one of the best spots in the state for hurricanes. We're right in the middle and north and on relatively high ground (100 ft above sea level). So no problem with storm surge, but we're looking at some hurricane force winds Sunday and Monday. The biggest problem I see is trees down and power lines down and debris blowing around. Our daughter in the Ft. Lauderdale area is really caught, but she's boarded up and the animals are in the barn and she ought to be OK as the storm has moved west a big. But she could easily flood. Ugh!

  5. Weeds and cockroaches will inherit the earth!

  6. Some weeds are pretty, but this one isn't. Life will find a way!
