Monday, September 18, 2017

flag Mural


  1. That mural could only be in one country on earth. Nice.

  2. Gramps the vet lives in the little house.

  3. Flying a flag is not patriotic! And isn't there some kind of law about misusing the it's one bikinis, for crying out loud. I thought that was a big no-no. But what do I know. I'm just a cranky old man! And I've got lots of neighbors who love to fly the flag...I've always thought that if I was a spy or anti-American the first thing I'd do is fly the flag, to deter suspicion. Hope you have a great week!

  4. ...they need a larger building.

  5. It was wise not to attempt the whole flag--- Re: Andy's remark--- American's tend to display EVERYTHING! Why else would we wear clothing with advertising on it?

  6. I like it!
    As for those who do not like to see the flag I say, "Go somewhere else where freedom of expression is against the law, and can get a person thrown in jail!"
    Have a great week!

  7. It looks like someone decided to pretty up their dwelling. Smart use of space and expertly rendered. I'd like to see it when the icicle lights are on. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
