Thursday, April 27, 2017

1920 E-Car

Here is a 1920 electric car, nearly 100 years old, and it would go 70 miles on a battery charge. Perhaps our technology has not come as far as we had hoped. They failed to catch on because they were thought to be "women's" cars. Think how the world might be different had electric cars had the same progressive technological development given to gas engined cars. Only in the last few years have electric cars once again become available. 


  1. Um clássico que faz parte da história do automobilismo.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  2. Wonderful car. Thanks for showing us.

  3. I don't think I knew this. I know about electric streetcars, but not regular cars. We had a huge industry with huge hooks into fat politicians who did not want electric - they wanted gas-powered vehicles so they could get rich. Many decisions re gas buses, etc., were made during the Eisenhower administration. One of the worst and biggest was the decision to put money into interstate highways rather than railroads.

  4. Good heavens who knew! This is fascinating TFG, love the sign.. designed for women of high standing, wearing tall hats presumably 😊 and could be driven from either the front or back seat, how extraordinair!

  5. That's very impressive - I wonder what technologies they used to store that much electrical power back then?

  6. Thanks for the information, very interesting.

  7. so cool...thanks for this info and the great reflection too!

  8. a gorgeous car with reflections. :)
