Tuesday, January 24, 2017

F. C. Barcelona vs. Los Palmas

Before the game.

Los Palmas kicks off after a Barcelona goal.

Barcelona left wing centers the ball.

A crowd of 90,000 enjoyed a Barcelona win 5 - 0. Soccer is the dominant sport here.


  1. In earlier times it would be a bullfight but sometimes it nearly the same with the excitement in the audience and the fights between the players. Hope you enjoyed it.

    1. We did enjoy the game a great deal. We have been following the British Premier League at home as one TV channel covers it. But soccer in the U.S. still has a way to go in popularity.

  2. That's quite a stadium. 90,000? Lots of folks like "futbol" for sure! I lost all interest in professional football a few years ago and can't seem to drum up any enthusiasm for soccer at all.

  3. Kids have been playing soccer in the US for 45-50 years at least-- in little league style. I'm not sure why it hasn't really caught on that much except that individuals aren't spotlighted as much-- like a quarterback or a receiver. Like Lowell, I have no interest. That certainly is quite a stadium.

  4. That must have been quite an experience! Soccer is a major attraction at our local pub probably because of the large number of European experts here.

  5. Gosh that's an awful lot of people in one spot TFG, I bet when the cheer went up it was tres impressive!

  6. This would be great fun to attend. I am a sports fan, but admittedly have never been to a professional soccer game.
