Saturday, January 14, 2017

Barcelona Day One

We are in Barcelona, Spain. The following photos are a completely random selection of pictures. Click on them to see more than just the thumbnail displayed here. 

This is the view from our balcony. We live on floor P three stories from the ground. Floor 2 is above us. This does not seem logical, but that is how the buttons on the elevator work.

Someone might need Spi service, but they are closed, or seem to be closed from public view. Spi service is seldom out in the open. 


  1. Oh what fun! Have a great time.

  2. The rooftop gardens look popular TFG.. lucky you, have a fabulous time 😊

  3. Wowee! Have a grand time. Love the shot from the hotel room.

  4. I'm just a wee bit jealous. Barcelona is so beautiful. I'd be very confused on that elevator, though!

  5. Lucky you to have escaped winter to such a glorious place!

  6. Barcelona's an amazing city. I hope I can get back soon! Thanks for sharing your pictures. :)
