Monday, December 19, 2016


So sorry to learn these beautiful animals are becoming endangered. In the last several decades their population in the wild have declines about thirty percent. This is a consequence of shrinking habitat and poverty. They are being hunted for meat to feed a hungry growing human population.


  1. I see that there are trees even to great for giraffes. And yes animals in the wild are declining every year.

  2. Certainly not the first species to be drive to extinction by humans and certainly not the last. It's hard to believe that we actual call ourselves the intelligent species.

  3. It is very heartbreaking. We are the most destructive species on the planet.

  4. Where will this all end? I shudder.

  5. I share your concern--- but on a happier note, that first picture is a knockout! The scale is unlike what we're used to with these critters and he looks almost like a miniature. Merry Christmas, by the way!
