Wednesday, November 30, 2016


This is the Sacred Stone Camp on the Standing Rock Reservation. Those in the camp, Water Protectors, are attempting to block the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The Water Protectors have been given until December 5 to leave the camp or get arrested for trespassing on the land. While this land is on the Standing Rock Reservation, it is under the jurisdiction of the Army Corp of Engineers. Law enforcement has been siding with the DAPL and using violence against protesting Water Protectors. I expect more of the same on Dec. 5th.


  1. Um protesto por uma causa justa.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  2. Unarmed is something rare these days in your country. A pity.

  3. This photo says so much. Thank you for sharing.

  4. This situation is so sad and so damn maddening. As I recall the U.S. government made over 150 treaties with the tribes between 1850 and 1950 and broke every single one of them. So, I guess this is to be expected.

  5. Excellent shot TFG. I've been following the news, so sad and unnecessary the way the protestors have been treated.

  6. What a tense situation & your photo suggests that & more.

  7. I'm so sad about this whole thing and I know there will be so much more happening like this. The election has simply screwed the earth. Pardon the vernacular. I would have wanted to go see this if I'd been closer. We have protests here in Eugene in support. But I am afraid it is hopeless.

  8. I feel that that land is treaty land and should not be tampered with. I don't know why that pipeline isn't moved to a different location.

    1. It was original planned to go past Bismarck, ND, but the people there complained about the possibility of their water being polluted from oil spills, so the pipeline was moved downstream to the northern edge of the Standing Rock Reservation.

  9. This is such a sad state of affairs, that seems to be en route to a tragic outcome.

  10. I'm glad they are unarmed and I hope it doesn't get too ugly.

  11. Yay! They have won for now. It may come back under another administration. We really need to switch over to nonpolluting energy.
