Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mountain River


  1. Uma montanha imponente, bela fotografia.
    Um abraço e bom Domingo.

  2. You found such a fantastic vantage spot to take this shot TFG, looks so good when enlargec!

  3. You found such a fantastic vantage spot to take this shot TFG, looks so good when enlargec!

  4. This makes me want to pack up and head west! I would, I think, if I were younger. Thanks for your comment on Ocala. My take was also that it's a red tail hawk. I've never had one sit still for me for so long before. Wish I'd had my big camera, though.

  5. I couldn't find an email for you with your profile so I am responding here. I responded to your comment on my blog today by reminding you that my narrative mentioned that the exhibit ended on September 18. I grew up in Door County and know that there are no sizeable hills there, altho there are some. I described the painting that REMINDS me of my birthplace and where I spent hours during my lifetime on the Lake Michigan side that does have small promontories in secluded places.

  6. I'll join Kate (above) om wishing for an email on your profile for the occasional comment or answer to a question. I like this image-- Colorado?
