Saturday, September 3, 2016

Avaitik D.I. Aircraft

This was a German WW I fighter aircraft with two Schwarzlose 8 mm machine guns.  It was powered by a 200 hp Austro-Daimler six cylinder motor providing a top speed of 115 mph and a service ceiling of 20,200 feet. But the motor was thirsty providing only 2.5 hours of endurance. Later in WW I it was replaced by more popular German fighter planes.  


  1. I've not seen one of these. It looks so flimsy and like it could hardly carry that big ol' engine.

  2. Goodness can you imagine those brave young men, and I guess we'd have to say the young German men were brave also, going off to war in one of these flimsy planes.. not much protection there hey TFG!

  3. It's hard to imagine that it could fly!

  4. Wow--- that's a serious motor! Good captures.

  5. You wouldn't have got me in one of those. It doesn't look as though it could get off the ground.

  6. It looks so primitive compared to what we have today.
