Saturday, August 27, 2016

Seattle Ferry


  1. I am guessing that you just missed your boat. ;)

  2. ...and that would be too bad. Heaven knows ya can't get around on the freeways there!

  3. Nice way to get around. I've been in Seattle only once, at a convention in 1980. Had a great time!

    Re your comment on Ocala: This is Florida; run by the GOP; we don't give a damn about minorities or their sentiments. And that's the truth!

  4. Nice looking ferry!! As you know, it's one of my favorite ways to travel. I hope you had a chance to ride it.

  5. This picture makes me think of the ferry we take back and forth to Bainbridge Island from Seattle when visiting my son and his family. They have lived over there 10 years and have ridden the ferry to and from work in Seattle each and every day. Get up at 4:30. Don't know how they do it. Your picture makes me want to hop a plane and go out there. genie
