Sunday, July 31, 2016

Half Mast

Our community is in mourning, but I am not sure of the specific reason. We have too many choices. Perhaps this flag is at half mast for the killings in Nice, France where 85 people died, or the Priest and others stabbed to death in Normandy, France, or the killings at two Florida nightclubs, or the killings in the Philippines, or the bombing at Istanbul Ataturk airport where 41 people died, or Brussels airport and metro, or Syrian bombings, or the 140 killed recently in Baghdad, or the attack against U.N. Peacekeepers in Mogadishu, or the 9 who died in shootings in Munich, Germany, or the 19 who died in a mass stabbing in Sagamihara, Japan, or the 5 policeman killed in Dallas, Texas, and the list of possible reasons to morn goes on way too long. 


  1. It's truly sad when flags flown at half-mast have become such a common site that we don't know the reason why.

  2. Thanks, my friend. You've said it right. I wish there was something we could do about it.

  3. I don't even notice it anymore..... Too bad.

  4. Yes, in recent weeks it is impossible to know why the flags are a half mast on at any given time. So sad.

  5. You don't want to hear the news later - it is all tragic!

  6. These are all terrible reasons to have to mourn, but sometimes, I wonder if the press that these people get for such horrendous acts has something to do with its continuation. :( Fortuantely, there is good in the world to more than counter it.

  7. it's sad...i think our flag has been at half mast more often than not anymore

  8. It's hard to know, with everything that happens...

  9. The list just goes on and on and it is so upsetting. It is almost like we are heading for flags remaining at half mast longer and longer. I lived through a riot in a small and confined area in Asheville, NC, where I was attacked in my car and another gentleman was killed. Every time I read of a mass or single killing I relive that fateful night and my heart breaks for the families. genie

  10. Your list is way too long and very sad.

  11. I think we are in mourning for the world TFG, it's a sad and confusing place these days.

  12. I think we are in mourning for the world TFG, it's a sad and confusing place these days.
