Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Political Signs


  1. Bernie just won the Oregon primary (that's our home state). We can always hope, but if not him it better be Hillary or we are in a world of hurt. (I am so upset and worried.)

  2. It has been the most dismaying political season I've lived through--- and there've been many. These do well at capturing the feeling of the crowd.

  3. Sometimes I wish I had a time machine because the present is bad and the future looks worse.
    Bring on the good old days when I was young and carefree. :-)

  4. Your politics makes me glad I live in Canada!

  5. It is a bit chaos in the world today and a future to believe in is a great thought but also a political statement.

    1. I can not remember a political season as messed up as this one. Chaos is correct.

  6. Politics in the UK is in turmoil also with the upcoming E.U.Referendum June 23.

  7. I have had nothing against Bernie but he is pissing me off now and needs to stand down. Hillary is going to be the Dem candidate and needs all the resources she can muster to beat the dumpster!

  8. Sanders is popular here too, but we can't vote, so I just hope that you vote for the best candidate at the end.

  9. Se este Senhor ganhasse as eleições o mundo seria diferente, para melhor.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    1. Mesmo se ele não ganhar a eleição, as suas ideias irão influenciar o partido e pode tornar-se política futura.

  10. “Remember something, if you will, about voting: Voting is not a horse race, you're not going there thinking "Gee, I gotta pick the winner so I can brag to my friends 'Oh, I picked so-and-so and he or she won'". Voting is voting your heart and voting your conscience and when you've done that, don't ever, EVER let a Democrat or Republican tell you that you've wasted your vote because the fact is, if you DON'T vote your heart and conscience then you HAVE wasted your vote.” Jesse Ventura

    1. I've never been a fan of Jesse Ventura, and try to keep voting a rational process rather than an emotional one.

  11. Very worrying times for the US and for the world really TFG.. It's in the hands of the people, lets hope common sense prevails.

  12. Very worrying times for the US and for the world really TFG.. It's in the hands of the people, lets hope common sense prevails.

  13. Bernie does get a lot of enthusiasm, but he would not be able to get anything through Congress if he ended up President.
