Monday, April 11, 2016

Korda's Photo of Che Guevara

This iconic image of Che Guevara was taken from a photograph by Cuban photographer Alberto Diaz Gutierrez, who signed his work "Korda." He gave a print to a friend who made millions selling the image.  Korda never made a dime from this photo, but it is one of the most recognized photographs of the Twentieth Century, and is still sold today on posters and teeshirts.

 An apartment building with Korda's image of Che overlooking Plaza De Revolucion, Havana.

Korda's Grave with the outline of his Che photo. 


  1. after all these years, who would have thought we would begin to normalize relations with our closest neighbors.

  2. Makes a most interesting image on that wall...

  3. I had no idea this artist made no money from this image. That's just wrong. I've seen copies of it in Eugene which has a fair number of old hippies/(they and we were young when we first moved there of course).

  4. It definitely is an iconic image and what a shame that the artist earned nothing from it!
