Saturday, February 27, 2016

Boys Basketball


  1. I'll bet the tall kid in the middle is the star! Nice shot. Kudos to those who coach such groups.

    1. He isn't the "star", but he is the Center, and hangs out near the basket on offense waiting for someone to pass him the ball so he can put it through the hoop.

  2. These look like they could be some middle schooler. Basketball was a BIG thing at school...the pep rallies...the cute cheerleaders...such fun. Your photo brings back happy memories. I am so tickled to learn what the shaver is. It really does make sense that Mr Snider would have one for his farm and his need for fence posts and fencing in the cattle. I think one of the sad things about “serious aging” is the loss of friends and the changes in the area where we live. As a young parent, I never thought about life in my late seventies. Things do not stay the same...just like seeing the children in your photo. Those years are gone for me, but the ones ahead and my new interests will bring new happiness and excitement into buy life. Thanks again for the info. You always have the answers.

    1. Thank you, Genie. Yes, I've got a head full of useless information, and No, I don't always know the answer. Sometimes I'm jut lucky.

      These boys are 10 and 11 years old, so they are in the 5th and 6th grade. I'm surprised at how well they play basketball. There are many fast breaks and often they do make their jump shots.

      Sounds like you have a great view of the aging process. Always something new to learn and try. It's what keeps us going.
