Wednesday, November 25, 2015

House Number


  1. This looks like an important and poignant ceremony - I'm assuming this is the handing off of the new home to the recipient family.

    1. This was the house dedication ceremony of Habitat house #58. The new home owners are given a number of gifts for their home including a sign with the house numbers. They also got a plant, a cash gift for tools to maintain the home, a flag, a fire extinguisher (from the fire Dept.), and a snow shovel. Most importantly they got the keys to the house. They plan to move in next week.

  2. Such a brilliant project TFG, I see some happy faces there.

  3. p.s. how long does it take from finish to key handover for these projects?

    1. This house was started in April and finished two weeks ago. Habitat in this town builds three houses a season.

  4. A new home? I am not sure what is going on here.

    1. This is the ceremony to hand over the keys to the new home for a family. The family put in 500 hours of partnership labor on this house and others.

  5. I am really enjoying all of your posts about the construction of the different homes and now the giving of the keys ceremony. I know that family is oh, so happy, and you make me happy knowing all the good you all are doing. Thank you for your service to those who are in need.

  6. It is good that they also helped...

  7. An exciting moment for this fortunate family.

  8. This is surely a big day in the life of the fortunate family. Congratulations to them and a pat on the back to those who worked with Habitat for Humanity to build this house. It is soon to be transformed from a house to a home.
