Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Phone Booth

Phone booths are getting to be quite rare in our environment. This one is special. If you go into it to make a call, the phone will ring. Should you answer it, you will be talking to a lady who lives across the street. She will welcome you to town, and ask if you need any directions or assistance. Some think she might just being snoopy. Others might think she is just trying to be friendly and helpful. Not many phone booths call you. 


  1. Goodness me, have not heard anything like this before TFG.. I like so see the good so I'm going with she's trying to be helpful!

  2. Are sure it is not Ernestine the operator?

  3. What an interesting concept. Watching the booth must be a full time job.

  4. Can't believe that someone watches the phone booth all the time or perhaps there is an electronic something or other that rings in her house when the door to the booth is opened.

  5. well that sounds mighty welcoming to me

  6. that is so neat! i've never heard of that before!

  7. Hah! That is pretty funny. Good for her.

  8. How cool. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  9. I say- what a warm welcome to strangers! Come to think of it, I don't know when I last saw a phone booth!

  10. They certainly are disappearing, sadly. I love that the few I find here in NZ are wooden and painted red.

  11. Well that is certainly different. I think I'd be a bit surprised to have someone call like that but it is sort of neat too.
