Saturday, January 3, 2015



  1. When I bake pies and crisps, I use different varieties of apples. Ya, when I get a weak moment, I can bake.

  2. Fruit glorious fruit! Does make for a good image stacked like this TFG.

  3. We're trying to buy organic apples...they cost a little more but the cost is outweighed, we think, be the lack of pesticides.

    Our trees down here are loaded with citrus - oranges, grapefruit, lemons, etc. At our old house we had a very prolific grapefruit tree...but we couldn't eat them all so tried to give them away. Nobody wanted them as most folks in the neighborhood had their own trees full of fruit. So I'd put a big box of grapefruit out by the curb with a "Free" sign. That didn't do much good, either, so we usually threw most of them away! Sigh.

  4. Delicious apples! Pink Lady is my favorite. I think. Or Honeycrisp?
